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Saturday, May 22, 2010


This petition is for another expansion pack for sims 2.

I support it; I think we might need another one.


Sims 3 is cool, but with Sims 2 you had more power and freedom. Now with Sims 3, you can only focus on one family. And nonetheless, the Sims 2 was a major success for Maxis and EA. Adding another EP to the franchise series could make some major bucks. I think it would help, because if you have all the EPs and SPs for the Sims 2, you eventually get bored with the constant items. And yes, we have custom content, but the Maxis items are pretty cool too. Sometimes it's great to have your own stuff, but a lot of the times, it's also great to have items, effortlessly in your game.

Just, if you can, please sign the petition. Your signature could be the turning point for the petition.


To see the full blown petition:http://www.edge-online.com/blogs/the-sims-3-really
To sign the petition:http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/newepforsims2

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